We will have a break

Our holiday is coming and we can say that we have finished successfully another year with the eTwinning projects.
At the beginning, my weblog was created only for my purpose but later we have realized that it would be a good means of communication for all of us. That is why the link on other etwinning websites is not here. It hasn’t been done deliberately, it was just the beginning of the blog.
Anyway, now I can say that we have done a lot of work and we are grateful to all our webpages which are so important for all of us.
Here are some more links:
http://www.etwinning.net the international website for all of us
www.etwinning.gr which is the Greek website, very important for all my Greek partners.
http://www.etwinning.be which will be in the future for our Students‘ Councils cooperation
www.etwinning.cz the Czech website which helps Czech teachers
In the next school year I will go on with some of my old projects especially with the Greek projects which are really top quality and my Greek partners are very reliable and hardworking people.
We also want to try a project with a school in Oxford and my students are looking forward to writing their first letters to Britain very much.
I would like to wish all my partners a very nice rest and peaceful time spent somewhere nice.
We need to gain new strength for the next school year.
SEE you in autumn, my dear friends.
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