
Our friends from Ordu are very special because we do not know much about their part of the world. They cannot be our eTwinning members yet because Turkey is not in the EU, but never mind, we think that we should know also about the countries where a lot of people go on holiday. Turkey is not only hot weather ,bazaars and sandy beaches in the south. It is also the country with hardworking people who want to open the door of knowledge, the door of understanding to those who want to learn more. My students are the people who have decided to make new penfriends in Turkey. And they do not regret. Their letters are interesting, written in good English and full of new information for us.
Here is one of them
Ramadan is a holy month when people -like us- fast to show their trust to the gods. This festival is very cultural and full of dimsity. This year it started in January on the thirtieth or the thirty-first, which means it has already finished. Next year it will be held. It varies from year to year and place to place. So if you are ever in Indonesia at the time of Ramadan set yourself the challenge to go without food and water from dawn to dusk.
Ramadan is a festival held every year lasting one month. Ramadan's a festival for Muslims around the world particularly Indonesians. During Ramadan over one billion muslims fast during day light. The festival starts at dawn and ends at sunset (dusk). Sick and traveling Muslims and women and children in certain conditions are a exception from fasting. In some places when the fast is on, people cool themselves by pouring cold water on their faces with their mouths closed. During Ramadan, a muslim would pray at the end of the day before their small meal.
When the festival of Ramadan finishes and the month of Shawwal starts the Muslims have a three-day celebration. The celebration is held in the holiday called Id-al-fitr. On this holiday people exchange gifts and family and friends gather to pray in congregation and for large meals they got. In some Muslim cities they celebrate by having a fair for the end of Ramadan.
Ramadan is a festival held every year lasting one month. Ramadan's a festival for Muslims around the world particularly Indonesians. During Ramadan over one billion muslims fast during day light. The festival starts at dawn and ends at sunset (dusk). Sick and traveling Muslims and women and children in certain conditions are a exception from fasting. In some places when the fast is on, people cool themselves by pouring cold water on their faces with their mouths closed. During Ramadan, a muslim would pray at the end of the day before their small meal.
When the festival of Ramadan finishes and the month of Shawwal starts the Muslims have a three-day celebration. The celebration is held in the holiday called Id-al-fitr. On this holiday people exchange gifts and family and friends gather to pray in congregation and for large meals they got. In some Muslim cities they celebrate by having a fair for the end of Ramadan.
Last year the Czech students read about this festival Id-al-fitr in the textbooks, but they just read it without any interest. This year when they saw the festival in the letter, they remembered it. It was very different. I learn through my students´letters ,too. And this is that important thing about all our projects. To pass new knowledge, new skills, new abilities on each other, on the students and teachers, to break the barrier between us.
Dear Turkish friends. Thank you for all your letters. We wish you very nice summer holidays and we hope to be in touch with you again.
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