Last evening

Our two teachers. Both are called DESPINA.
The last evening arrived and we all were very sad. After the trip to Liberec ,we finished in Pizzeria in Ceska Lipa. The students helped their foreign friends with the menu which was not in English. We all had delicious pizzas and after that we went to the hotel Kahan to say good bye to our friends. Some of the students exchanged small presents, addresses and emails. We will go on with our project next year again, so we will be in touch again. The purpose of the etwinning projects is not visiting the partner school. This was something special and I can say that it has made our partnership more meaningful and we all hope that next year we will see each other again.
The next day the Greek students travelled to Prague and they visited the Exhibition of Charles IV and some other places which are usually visited by the foreigners. I stayed with them for one more day in Prague and when we had to part, I couldn´t speak. I was so touched, too emotional. The people on the coach didn´t understand what was going on. They looked at me in a strange way. For me, it was not only saying GOOD BYE to fantasic people but it was the last link with the other Greek friends who I had visited before. I had to say good bye to all my Greek friends. I am glad that we have the internet which really makes the world a small place. We are close although so far away.
What I really know that I have friends for life in the country which has become very interesting for me.
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