This is what Anastasia a greek student of Kavasila high school, wrote about Mrs Nada's Kadlecova visit to her school.

Mrs Nada Kadlecova, the etwinning partner- teacher from Czech Republic, visited our school just before Easter holidays. She was very friendly and kind. She looked happy. I think, because she was with us ,here in Greece. We met her in the school library where she gave us small presents from our czech friends- partners. She, also, gave us a box of chocolates which disappeared immediately! We saw a DVD which she had brought for our school. It was about her country and the place where they live. I learnt many things about my partner,Martin, from her. About her school ,too.
I liked her very much. It was a very good idea to come at our school. Some students told me that she must be a nice teacher. They had a lesson with her. I dedicate the photo to her. It has been taken in the old city of Veria. I wish one day she comes again, but with our partners.It would be great if we met altogether!
Dear Anastasia,
thank you very much for your kind words. It was very nice to work with you. Those two school years were very interesting for me. And for my students too. I will never forget you, You were so alive and friendly and enthusiastic. If you ever decide to come to my country, you can always be welcome in my family and in my school, too. I wish you good luck in your future studies and of course to your classmates too.
Naďa Kadlecová, at 10:00 odp.
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