Memories from the Greek students

The Greek team visited Czech Republic on a six days trip, from 25th to 30th of April 2006. Here are our experiences from the visit
Agelica Chalkia
A few weeks ago, I and my classmates had the chance to go to Czech Republic and visit Ceska Lipa and the students there. First of all, I have to admit that it was a wonderful experience! We arrived at Prague at 6.00 am (too early)!! We got on a bus and went to Karlovy Vary, a very beautiful city, which was actually like we were in a fairy tale. We stayed there till 3.00 pm and that was our first ‘connection’ with the Czech language. At almost 6 o’clock we arrived at our hotel where Mrs. Kadlecova was waiting for us. We were very tired so we stayed in our hotel to relax. The next day we went to our pen friends’ gymnasium. It was really enormous!!! The classes were very big. But what really surprised me was the gym; it was really big and there were plenty of sports you could do. This was the day that we finally met all the students! Of course, I liked them all! We represented ourselves to them and we showed them a project we made for our town, Thessaloniki. We had a tour of the whole school by the students. The students prepared a concert for us which was really superb. In the evening, we went to our pen friends’ houses for dinner. I and Evangelia went to Bara’s house. We had a really great time!!! We saw many photographs and talked for hours. The third day we went to the gymnasium and then, by bus, we travelled to the city Terezin for some hours and then to Litomerice, an assembly encampment during the 2nd World War. It was amazing and touching at the same time! The fourth day we went by train to the city Liberec and visited the Europe’s most ancient zoo, which was a very interesting and funny experience.!!! When we came back to Ceska Lipa we went to eat altogether at a restaurant and then some of the students went to our hotel to say goodbye. That night was very moving us we really appreciated everything they’ve done for us and we are sad as we won’t see them again for a long time. I really hope they’ll come to Greece soon! The next two days we travelled and stayed at Prague. The first day there Mrs. Kadlecova was with us. We visited museums and churches [which differ a lot from ours]! The last day, we saw some more things but that was unfortunately the day We had to leave. I, personally, was very sad that day, because we were leaving the country we really loved! I will never forget all the boys and girls and I hope they won’t forget us too. They were all very friendly and good people!
Olga Panteliadou
OUR TRIP TO CESKA LIPA (25th –30th of APRIL) In the beginning of this school year I didn’t expect my participation in the “e-twinning” program to be such an exciting experience! Our first approach with the students of the Check school through e- mails was very interesting and started to build a relationship with them… But the best would be to meet them face to face and this gave us the idea to visit them. Our teacher, Mrs. Ganidou and the headmistress encouraged this plan. So, on the 25th of April we traveled by plane to Czech Republic full of expectations and next day we were visiting Ceska Lipa’ school! We found an unforgettable reception by our partners, finally we could speak to each other and walk around the institution: a huge building with roomy areas and fully equipped classrooms (….). We shared a great time with our new friends following a busy schedule: a day at school, dinner with our partner, visit to the concetration camp, wonderful moments at the zoo, last evening at the hotel and finally the farewell… The two last days in Prague will stay in my mind as a barrage of fascinating pictures, art, beauty and crowded streets. We returned late at night of the 30th of April, excausted but satisfied, full of impressions and having the confidence that we shared a unique experience. We all hope to meet our friends soon, this time at our place, continuing this communication which turns to be a real friendship!!!
Despina Ganidou
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