My diary from a Greek trip part one

The first day 13th April. The morning is very cold but I am looking forward to visiting the school which I know only from the internet eTwinning programme.Kavasila High School.
My friend Eleni Kostopulou is driving me to school from the mountain house where I have spent the first night in Greece. We stop in a small bakery for breakfast. I am learning another Greek word PSOMI which means bread. We are eating cheese pie and hurrying to school.
I am a bit nervous from all the things which are waiting for me today. Eleni is taking me to the headmaster´s office and I can see a very handsome tall man with white hair. His name is Paschalis and he is the very important person at school. While we are drinking a cup of coffee, other teachers are coming to greet me and they all are very friendly. I can see that they all have been informed about my visit. I try to practice my few Greek words. Kalimera. Ty kanete. Ja su. Everybody is very friendly.
Here is the bell and we are going to the classroom. My first meeting Greek children face to face. They are a bit shy and I have to ask them first. Later they dare to ask me some questions about the Czech Republic.
They want to know about our school as much as possible.
After the main break I am going to the library and I am meeting our partner students. I have some presents for them from my students and I feel like Santa Claus. We are watching a DVD about Ceska Lipa and I am telling them some details. They are nice and want to know everything. Anastazia wants to know more about her pen friend Martin from my group. The visit in the school was a great experience for me. I was glad that I could be there.
I am very impressed by the librarian Eleni who is in the eTwinning project with our librarian Renata. Eleni is very attractive and she is very patient with all the students who are coming to the library during breaks and want to find some information. She has a kind word for everyone. I can see that she is a friend for all the teachers too and helps everybody at school.
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