I have been to the Conference

It is my favourite event and I am a regular participant.
And what more, The Headway programme celebrated 20th birthday with the cake and a glass of champagne.
I was very glad that I could have a chance to meet some of the teachers in my seminar about the eTwinning webpage and the International school projects . Some of them had never heard about the eTwinning before, some of them promised to register their school and to take a part at the nearest seminar which would be organized in the place where they live.
During evenings we could watch The Bear Theatre in English. They are really great and they perform all the plays in English for schools. You can choose different levels. Unfortunately, this school year we will not invite them.
We also got some new course books, a lot of posters and new ideas how to teach some topics in more interesting ways.
I hope I will be able to come next year, too.