Summer workshop in Trutnov

What was this event about? Of course about etwinning projects. 48 people were divided into three imaginary countries. Poland, Iceland and Greece. Each country had four different schools with funny names, such as The Olive secondary school from Greece, Kostas School, The Little Suns, Fred the Ant, Pytlik High School, etc...
The representatives of each school simulated work on a project in the etwinning programme. Of course that they were using the training portal to try all the activities. They had to register themselves, to find a partner, to discuss their ideas about the project, to communicate with their partner, to register the project and to work on it. They were using different ICT tools and could practise various methods. Many of them could try sofware tools which they had never used before / webblog, the SKYPE,web page, etc/
On Thursday evening there was a big open-air party in the school yard with live music and pork on a spit. The friendly athmospere was full of music,
dance and new ideas about future projects.
Friday was the last day. After presentations of the projects and evaluation the participants got the certificate of attendance and a CD with all the contributions and photographs from the seminar. And it was the end of the workshop. I must say that the whole time spent in Trutnov was very practical and we all have learned a lot. Thanks to Vasek Fisher, Zdenek Hetes and Honza Manek, ICT teachers from three Trutnov schools, we spent an unforgattable time in their beautiful town.

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