Friendship On-line


We will have a break

Our holiday is coming and we can say that we have finished successfully another year with the eTwinning projects.
At the beginning, my weblog was created only for my purpose but later we have realized that it would be a good means of communication for all of us. That is why the link on other etwinning websites is not here. It hasn’t been done deliberately, it was just the beginning of the blog.
Anyway, now I can say that we have done a lot of work and we are grateful to all our webpages which are so important for all of us.
Here are some more links: the international website for all of us which is the Greek website, very important for all my Greek partners. which will be in the future for our Students‘ Councils cooperation the Czech website which helps Czech teachers
In the next school year I will go on with some of my old projects especially with the Greek projects which are really top quality and my Greek partners are very reliable and hardworking people.
We also want to try a project with a school in Oxford and my students are looking forward to writing their first letters to Britain very much.

I would like to wish all my partners a very nice rest and peaceful time spent somewhere nice.
We need to gain new strength for the next school year.
SEE you in autumn, my dear friends.


Memories- our trip to the Czech Republic

Despina Ganidou
In October 2005, I received a letter, via e-mail, from a Czech teacher. It was from Nada Kadlecova. She and her students wanted to work with me and my students in an eTwinning project. The name of the project was “Let’s cross the bridge”. The aim was to help the students from both sites to know the partners´ country, customs and everyday life. Ten students from my school responded and started working on the project. At the beginning, the students were very shy, but as time was passing and they were exchanging information they were getting more excited. By January they started asking to visit the partner’s school. By the end of April their wish came true. Nine students, the Headmistress of my school and I went to the Czech Republic on a 6 days trip, from 25th to 30th of April. The plan of the trip was the following : · 25/4 : visit to Karlovy Vary, the famous and beautiful city with hot springs · 26/4 : at the Czech school : a lesson together, a short concert offered by Czech students and their music teacher, sightseeing at school. Ceska Lipa : sightseeing in the town, the local museum and dinner with the Czech families. · 27/4 : at the school : a lesson together about the Czech Republic and its history. Terezin : sightseeing in the concentration camp. Litomerice : sightseeing in the town, · 28/4 : Liberec : visiting the ZOO together with all the Czech children · 29/4 – 30/4 : Prague : The exhibition of Charles IV with statues, paintings, liturgical things, textile, precious pots and semiprecious stones from 11 countries of the world. Cathedral of St. Vitus, Charles Bridge, St Nicolas, Old Town, Loreto, cruise on a riverboat. During the trip we had the chance to : · visit this lovely country of central Europe, · see some of the most interesting places like Prague, Karlovy Vary, Terezin concentration camp, Ceska Lipa and Liberec, · visit the school of our partners and meet our friends reinforcing our friendship · learn more about Europe’s history · learn more about our partners’ everyday life and customs · learn more about the 2nd World War and its catastrophic consequences For me it was the first trip abroad as a teacher accompanying students and it was a unique, pleasant and interesting experience. I would like to thank my partners from Ceska Lipa, especially Mrs Kadlecova. Without her, neither the trip nor the project would have become true.

Despina Ganidou


We are coming to Greece

Some of us are coming to Greece in autumn.We are very glad that we have been invited by our Greek friends and that we will see them again. We have already booked the coach tickets, we will travel for 25 hours but we do not mind. We are very happy.We will have a chance to explore the city where Cyril and Methodus came from. They are very important for our country and the language.Thank you, our friends for inviting us.

Important addresses

Dear friends, my colleagues. I have collected important addresses for you. Some of them are good only for Czech teachers, but the most of them are good for projects and for English teaching.
Here they are:

Important addresses

1. Pro začátek navázání vztahů s jinou školou doporučuji adresu / for getting new contacts with another school/

2. Hledání partnerů a dobrých nápadů / possibility to find new partners and also new ideas

3. Každé jaro až do 9.května / activities every spring between 21st march to 9th May/

4. web pro základní a střední školy

5. poslech zpráv v AJ s textech, básně- vše zdarma / listening to the news in English

6. Užitečná webová adresa pro malé děti je a zejména její část / website for little kids/

7. Pro uživatele, kteří se moc nevyznají pro vytvoření vlastní webové stránky http / for those who are not very good at making web pages/ ://

8. Několik worksheetu dobrých pro začátečníky/ ZŚ// for beginners at English/

9. angličtina pro všechny věkové skupiny / English for everyone

10. pro malé děti angličtina,hry malování, něco je zdarma / for little kids, games, painting/
výborná sada webových stránek/ a lot of good websites/
12. dobré doplňkové texty
dobré pro střední školy- možnost poslouchat zprávy + text / listening activities/
14. dobré pro elementary students

15. další zajímavé weby

16. pro nejmenší, i pro ty co neumějí anglicky / for little kids/

17. známá stránka pro angličtináře důležitá, zejména pro ty, co používají Headway

18. ukázka projektu z etwinningu / public etwinning example/

19. zasílání projektů do soutěže elearning / e learning projects/

20. dobrá stránka s připravenými gramatickými testy / grammar tests/

21. písně ve formě podcastingu MP3 / songs /

22. čtení a poslech zároveň/ reading and listening/

23. jazykové hry s obrázky/ languages games and pictures/

24. obecná strana s celou řadou aktivit pro angličtinu

25. oficiální stránka anglické královny / Official Royal website /
26. e learning, inside out strana, cvičení čtecí

27. příběhy pro děti, story maker / how to make stories/

28. písničky pro děti, např. computer mouse/ song for kids/

29. jazyková hra hangman computers

30. hlavní stránka aktivit pro děti / the main page for children/

31. pro děti Barnaby medvídek- hry, příběhy, zeměpis

32. jazykové hry pro děti- minulý čas, příběhy, tvoření vět, / language games for children, grammar/

33. oficiální stránka pro různé předměty, je třebas se zaregistrovat / for Czech teachers/

34. další zdroje cvičení, nutná registrace / more exercises, you have to register/


The National conference

On 29th May in Pardubice, there was opening of the second National Conference of the eTwinning. I was very happy that I could be there, because I could present two of my projects with Greece. I presented these projects not only in public during my speech but I also had a chance to organize a two day-exhibition of the photographs, final products, my cookery books, travel guide and the language phrase book in three languages.
A lot of people came to my table during breaks and I tried to give them as much information about the eTwinning as possible. I got a lot of new friends and contacts.
The programme was full of excellent project talks which had the common topic- projects between Czech schools and their European partners.
There were also representatives from other European countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Norway Holland and one American teacher from Canada.
In the evening I got two awards for my students, two Quality Labels for the projects Where do we come from and Let´s cross the bridge. The students also got T-shirts and small presents. We are looking forward to going on with my projects.