Friendship On-line


Summer in the cottage

This is the summer in our cottage, with the grandchildren, our son and hard work again.

Our cottage in 2007

This is our cottage in 2007. Months after month. it is for my friends who know about our hard work there.


We are going to Greece


We are the champions

We went to Prague, but we didn´t know about the prize. I took three students with me, Lenka, Veronika and Art as representatives of the class. We were welcomed in the Building of the Ministry of Education, in the mirror room. All the guests were very exited because we didn´t know about the placings.

First, we received two Quality Labels for the projects with Slovakia and with Lithuania. And then, our school was called to get the first prize, 15O,OOO Czech Crowns for visiting our partners in Greece. I couldn´t believe my ears and I was very touched to shake my hands with the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Czech NSS.

After lunch my students talked about the project, we showed a short presentation and the girls sang the Greek song.

The next day, all the students were very happy because they didn´t have to write the test from Maths. It was the reward of their maths teacher for our victory.

I am very glad that my students immediatelly started a new project called Let´s twin across the sea with an Irish school. We are very happy that we can go on with our projects.

I would like to thank to our partner school Kavasila High School because without, you, our dear friends, we wouldn´t win. Special thanks goes to Eleni Kostopoulou, who was the heart of the project and as usual she worked very hard. I am very glad that we have won not only the first prize, but I have won my best friend for life.



On 18th October we are going to Prague to get the National prize for our project Music helps us live. But not only this. We will get two certificates for two more projects. One of them is called Neighbours and is with Púchov in Slovakia and the other was with Lithuania and was called New friends- new pictures of Europe.Here is the link to the new presentation


Music helps us live

You can see the work on the project here. But it was rewarding.

The Greek children are singing in Czech

After exchanging music, lyrics and pictures we were able to sing a Greek song and the Greek friends were able to sing one of our Czech songs. It was very nice. When we heard the song , we almost cried.

Music helps us live

We have created a short video presentation which shows our way how to teach our friends a new song. That was not easy, translation, playing the song, singing, illustrating, we used different technical tools. The videos have been made by Kodac camera, because they were not so big as from a digital cine-camera

14 nightingales

We got this song from our friends from Kavasila High School and the task was to learn it, to be able to sing it. The students liked the song and they say that they will remember this song for ever. Our Greek friends sang the Czech song Darmo sa ty trápíš.