Friendship On-line


The Profile of our school year 2006-2007

First of all, after several years of hard work my best student Karolina has become the best student in the Czech Republic in the National Competition.

This school year was very successful as usual for our projects in the eTwinning. We have received two international Quality Labels for our last school year projects Where do we come from and Let´s cross the bridge with Greece.In September, our school has won another fifty thousand crowns for the second place in the National Competition and in February 2007 we represented our school in Brussels in the International Conference of the eTwinning. Then new projects started and in April 2007 our school got the Quality Label for the project with Kavasila High School called Music helps us live.Later this project received also the Quality Label in Greece which means the third International Quality Label for our school. The students got small presents during the National Conference in Jihlava.

The students from kvarta A and B worked on similar projects Culture in the Box with different countries. They have finished their work by powerpoint presentation about the partner´s country. We received the same final product from the students from Lithuania and we hope to get one from Malta, too.

The students from prima B worked on the project with Slovakia and this project has been very good so we will go on next year.

For the next year, we have contacted several coutries and we would like to have projects with Ireland, Poland, Norway, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia and Lithuania.

I would like to thank to all the students who have worked on the projects for the excellent representation of our school, town but also our country in Europe.



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