A wish for all my good friends

Take twelve months, clear them carefully of all the maliciousness, cupidity and hatred. Then divide every month into 29, 30 or 31 pieces. Then you have to adjust every day. Take one scoop of reliance, one scoop of hard work, two scoops of good temper, don’t forget to add three spoonfuls of optimism, one teaspoon of tolerance, a grain of delicacy and a pinch of patience. Mix everything well.
When your dish is ready, you can serve it with a flower of courtesy, lovely smile and a warm friendly word.
I believe that this should be the base of our cooperation. My great wish is to join all my partners in my weblog and to give them a chance to get to know each other better. We all are from different parts of Europe, we live in different worlds and it would be so nice to fasten our friendship and show the other people that it is possible.
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