Our Grammar school Česká Lípa, celebrated The Students´Day on 15th November. This year, it was different.Our celebration started before twelve o´clock in the school gym. Most of the students geathered there to watch a wide programme of various dances and gymnastics performances. The gymnastics group from our school has achieved a lot of national rewards. They were really very good and they received big applause.
The people, who prefer something smaller and quieter, visited the music room, where they could listen to classical music, they could hear some poetry given by the school drama group and there were also two English songs sang by the youngest students from Prima A and B. Most of the students, who have played various musical instruments, are finishing our school in May 2008, so it was the last time when we could hear them .But we believe that they will not forget about our school and come back again to play for us. Pavel Kohoutek, our former student, came , too. He played several pieces of music for us with his band. It was nice to see him again. We wish all our graduating students good luck while they are passing their school leaving exams.
After the programme in the music room,you could visit any of the 16 places on all the floors. You could play various card games, board games,chess, do the crosswords, compete in solving mathematical exercises and puzzles. There was a lot of fun but also some educational events, such as the Tenth Anniversary of the school expeditions in every July. The students could remember all those beautiful places in Europe, which they could visit during those ten years thanks to the group of dedicated teachers. These teachers do not mind their holiday time and instead of sitting at the swimming pool, they travel with more than forty students to differenet parts of Europe.
Another educational programme called Lanterna Futuri was presented in one of the classrooms. This event has become an inseparable part of our curriculum.
There are two other drama groups in our school. They are very good. One of them performed the play Butterflies / By Čapek brothers./ They will repeat this performance before Christmas again, because not many people could see them and it would be a pity not to show us this excellent piece again.
It is not allowed to play computer games in the ICT rooms. Thursday was the exception. All the computers were occupied mostly by the boys, who wanted to be American soldiers for a while in the computer game America´s Army.
Body painting had its headquarters on the fourth floor. A lot of students had to queue to have a nice picture painted on their face. And when you stepped down two floors, you could try your artistic eye, too. In the Art room, everybody could draw a picture. The topic was what or who I love. And so we could see a lot of dogs, horses, but also computers and broken hearts, there. There was one house. Wasn´t it our school? No, it wasn´t. Our school is yellow and that house was purple. But I hope that after such a successful afternoon, there will be our school building in the picture, next time.
The final event of our celebration was a volleyball match between students and teachers. And who was the winner? I can say that all of us who came to enjoy the afternoon, who were able to amuse other people and who did not leave the school too early.
There are a lot of photos in our school web which will remind us of that beautiful afternoon, when we celebrated The Students´Day. On 17th November 1989, our democracy was born. Happy birthday, freedom, happy birthday new generation