The EU Day in our school

The EU Day in our school
Every year in spring the EU opens a new version of the web page for schools called where schools can take part in various activities and they can learn more about history of the EU.
This year the celebration is very special because the EU celebrates the 50th anniversary from the foundation in 1957.
The younger students from English classes took part in the celebration of the EU DAY on 9th May. First they drew posters to the competition. We sent six contributions. 67 students from various classes worked in the computer room on 9th May and they answered the Quiz about the EU countries. On 15th May there will be a draw and the winners will get small presents. The questions from the quiz are published on the web page
The students from the youngest classes have seen the film about eTwinning in our school and also a present which we got from our partner school in
We discussed advantages and disadvantages of being one of the EU countries in the Forum with our project friends from
Didactical games and the other activities are still available on the web page of The Spring Day 2007. They will be there till the end of June. There are also power point presentations in various languages about History of the EU. They are really very good.
Next week, students from sekunda B class are going to make a film about our town for our eTwinning friends in English. We would like to show them how beautiful is the place where our school is situated and that the students are able to introduce Ceska Lipa in English.
Mgr. Nada Kadlecova, Gymnazium Ceska Lipa, the