Czech-Polish project certificate of Quality

The group of students from tercie B, who are working in the project , has applied for the certificate of Quality. Our project has come to the last part and we think we have a lot to show. During our cooperation we have created video and audio recordnings, we are working in the podcast / podomatic/ and we make Photostory recordings. / photostory 3 /
On part of the project is dedicated to the environment and we introduce our environments to each other. We both write asbout our project on the school web and we introduce this cooperation to the public.
The Polish school organizes a lot of interesting events and thanks to them we can celebrate them, too. For example the International Day of Mother Tongues, which is celebrated on 21st February. We were not at school, so we spoke about this day after the winter break.
We are working in the twinspace of the etwinning portal and we are also writing a blog, called the same name as our proejct. / http://tercieb-poland.blogspot.com/
And so day after day we can follow school life in the Czech and the Polish school. We are happy for our friends successes and we tell them about ours.
We uploaded the short photostory about the results of the graphs / teenage life style / into our school web. There is a section in activities called MEZINARODNI PROJEKTY, where we store our contributions. / http://www.gym-cl.cz/
A week with the eTwinning

European day of languages

International chat in the last minute
On 26th September, our school took part in the International chat on line on the www.etwinning.net.
The coordinator of the chat was our school and we invited several countries into our twinspace Living Traditions.
And so at 10.00 am of the Czech time there were students from the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Romania, Greece, Portugal and Spain.
The chat was in the twinspace of our project with Romania and all the students were very serious about it. Some of them exchanged their email addresses during the chat. We can´t give any statistics now because immediatelly after the chat the portal etwinning was closed for several days.
On 29th September www.etwinning.net will be open again in a new coat. Thank you all who took part in our chat.
Spring Day 2008 in our school

Spring Day
Our school takes part in the programme Spring Day every year and during the time from March to June, there are a lot of activities based on this programme. www.springday2008.net
The first event happened on 14th April when our school was visited by the students from the German partner school in Ettal. Czech students had a chance to talk to their German friends and especially for the younger students it was a good experience to practise their foreign language knowledge in real life. The students asked a lot of questions and they compared the life in our country and Germany.
The youngest children, who study English, worked on line and had to find some information about life of the children { of the same age} from various parts of the world. They used directed reading on the website http://www.cambridge.org/elt/messages/
Sekunda B worked on the project with the Slovak school in Puchov and they collected a lot of old photos from the life of their relatives. They compared the way of life now with the one forty years ago. The Slovak children did the same. The Czech children informed their parents about this activity on the teachers-parents meeting and they organized a small exhibition in the corridor of the school building. They also used the photos for a short film which has been uploaded into the competition of Spring Day 2008. http://sekunda-neighbours.blogspot.com/ This is the blog of our project.
The students from tercie A went on a trip to Greece from 5th-10th May to see their friends from the eTwinning project Music helps us live. This project won the first place in the Czech Republic and so visiting Greece was a very nice reward. The students met in the gym of Kavassila High School and they had a programme together with the Greek children. They danced together at the end of the programme and exchanged small presents. http://musichelpsuslive.blogspot.com
We had a quiz which was created by the students from Slovakia, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. The quiz had 32 questions and 52 students from our school answered them correctly. There was a draw on 19th May and some students from the quiz got small prizes.
I am glad to say that also students from the Senior Grammar School took part in the competition of Spring Day 2008. They were inspired by the Art teacher Ms Abermannova and they took really beautiful pictures of spring nature, life of other nations in our town and our town. Some of their pieces of art were uploaded into the Spring Day competiton.{ my film}
I can also say that the student from kvarta A Helena P., who is only fifteen, won the second place in the National Competition of English conversation in Prague. It is for the second time when our small school in a small town have beaten the students from big regional schools. We are very happy for that.
The one of the last events in May was an International visit in our school. The students from the French partner school arrived and they spent free May days with our students.
It is not possible in our school which contains two grammar schools, Junior and Senior, to organize the whole day celebrations of Spring Day, but we are glad that we can take part in the activites which are ready for us on the very useful website www.springday2008.net. We are looking forward to being one of the Spring Day schools also next year.
Mgr. Nadezda Kadlecova
New blogs
this is a biology project with Poland
and http://musichelpsuslive.blogspot.com
this is a musical project with Greece
this is a new project with Ireland